After This Week’s Devastating ‘The Walking Dead,’ Fans Have One Thing On Their Mind


This season’s penultimate episode of The Walking Dead delivered a shocking series of deaths in what has been called the Red Wedding episode of the AMC series. In all, the episode killed off ten characters — Alec, Ozzy, DJ, Frankie, Tammy Rose, Rodney, Adeline, Enid, Tara, and Henry — and fans were left stunned. Showrunner Angela Kang and exec producer Greg Nicotero have since explained the decision-making process behind why these particular characters were chosen, saying that it was largely a function of the story.

But what about that story? There’s one episode left this season, and the only thing we know so far is that it will take place in the winter, and for the first time ever, The Walking Dead will feature zombies in snow. In other words, The Walking Dead will follow its Red Wedding episode with its Winter is Coming episode.


However, with the threat of the Whisperers looming, and revenge on the minds of the remaining characters on The Walking Dead, there’s really only one thing that fans of the series want … no, demand from the season finale. How does The Walking Dead confront a threat like Alpha? By matching her against another equally formidable threat. In other words, it’s time to release the Negan.

This sentiment, in fact, was shared scores of times across Twitter as soon as this week’s episode ended.

This seems like a no-brainer for Michonne, and the moment she does release Negan will make watching his rot in a jail cell all season long completely worth it. There’s only one problem:

Does Negan still have the stomach to be “Negan”? How is a man coddled by prison life for the last 7 years going to do out in the wild again? We’ll soon find out when the season finale of The Walking Dead airs this Sunday. Unfortunately, Negan does not make an appearance in the promo.