Professional Travelers Share Their Number One Dream Destination

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In each installment of the Uproxx Travel Guide, we ask some of our favorite professional travelers to answer one travel question — then share their best advice with you. From informational, to inspirational, to entertaining, our aim is to incite your wanderlust and provide bite-size takeaways you can put to use on your own adventures.

This Week’s Question: What’s the number one place you dream about traveling to?

The Answers

Drew Binsky

Drew Travel QA

Drew is a full time Snapchatter and travel blogger who has visited 74 countries since 2012. Join his travels on Instagram at @drewbinsky and on Snapchat, username: drewbinsky.

A: I would love to go to Antarctica. I am fascinated by the landscape there, and the fact that it’s SO BIG and isolated that very few people on Earth have been there. Also, penguins are my favorite animal, and I’d love to see them in their natural habitat!


Katelyn O’Shaughnessy

Katelyn Traveler QA

Katelyn O’Shaughnessy is the CEO & Founder of TripScope and is an award-winning travel agent. She holds the position of National Director to the nation’s largest young travel professionals community, Millennials in Travel, and frequents live speaking engagements. 

A: The number one dream destination I’ve been dying to go to is Abu Dhabi. The Jumeirah at Etihad Towers is one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. I want to experience the world’s fastest roller coaster the Formula Rossa, located at Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi. Formula Rossa reaches a top speed of 150 mph, and goes faster than an F1.

Abu Dhabi:

Nathan Fluellen

Nate Travel QA

Nathan Fluellen is the host of his adrenaline filled travel show, World Wide Nate, which showcases adventure, food, and culture from around the globe. You can follow him on Instagram @WorldWideNate, Youtube and Snapchat, username: worldwidenate.

A: Antarctica is my dream trip. I’ve visited six continents and the white continent is my final frontier. I look forward to sea kayaking and camping overnight on the continent. The wildlife will be extraordinary and it would be my first cruise. The ship departs from Ushuaia, Argentina. I’m also ready for the polar plunge, which is jumping into the ocean in your swimsuit!


Spencer Spellman

Spencer Travel QA

Spencer Spellman is a California-based content producer specializing in travel, food, and drinks. If he’s not discovering a destination’s local hooch, then he’s on a search for the world’s best cocktail bars. You can follow him at @spencerspellman on Twitter and Instagram.

A: Top of my list is New Zealand. There’s just something that’s always been enchanting about it. I’d be lying, however, if I didn’t say that Lord of the Rings had something to do with that. How amazing it’d be to stay in Hobbiton or snowboard down Mount Doom.

New Zealand:

Kiersten Rich

Kiersten Travel QA

Kiersten Rich is the author of award-winning solo female travel & lifestyle blog, The Blonde Abroad, which features travel tips, fashion, festivals and photography from around the world. You can follow her on Instagram at @theblondeabroad and on Facebook.

A: I’ve been dreaming of traveling to Japan. I’ve never been, but I’ve gotten the taste for Asian destinations and cultures from visiting Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia and China, and I want more. I would say number one on my bucket list is to see the cherry blossoms, but I am definitely excited to try the cuisine and seafood when I have the chance to visit.


Krista Simmons

Travel Experts

Krista Simmons is a culinary adventurer and Global Correspondent for Travel + Leisure Magazine. You can follow her on Instagram at @kristasimmons and on Snapchat, username: Krista_Simmons.

A: I am absolutely dying to get to Zanzibar. The history of the spice trade fascinates me, and um, bonus, it’s a stunning set of islands with gorgeous resorts and world class diving. I just need to start stockpiling my miles to get there; it’s quite the journey, but worth it, I’m sure.


Marko & Alex Ayling

Travel Pros

Marko and Alex Ayling are the globetrotting brothers behind the YouTube channel Vagabrothers. You can follow their adventures on Instagram at @vagabrothers and on Snapchat, username: vagabrothers.

A (Marko): Colombia. Despite being fluent in Spanish, by brother and I haven’t really explored that much of South America. I’d love to visit Bogota and Cartagena, as well as some of the indigenous communities in the mountains. The country has been through a hell of a lot in the last few decades, and I think it’s time for me to explore more of its cultural heritage and natural beauty.


Steve Bramucci

Steve Bramucci is the travel, food, and adventure editor for Uproxx Life. He lives like a pirate… but with wifi. You can follow Steve on Twitter at @stevebram.

A: My list never seems to shrink. I check off one spot and three new “dream destinations” pop up. I’d say, right now, the Maldives are pretty high on my list. Here’s why: I know very little about them. For me, not knowing about a place has always been a great recipe for adventure. I like to dive into an experience without listening to too much background chatter.

I do know this, there are great waves and SCUBA diving there. I assume the seafood is on point. Also, they might be gone if the ocean levels rise.

The Maldives: