Adam Sandler’s Next Netflix Offering Will Feature ’90s Nostalgia And Jennifer Hudson

Adam Sandler is heading back to the ’90s. A sensible move considering the reaction to flicks like Pixels and Blended being lukewarm at best. TIME TO RECHARGE THE GOODWILL METER, SANDMAN!

Sandler’s next offering arriving from his Netflix period will be going back to the decade of Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore, although the tone will probably be a tad different. It’s been reported that Jennifer Hudson will be starring opposite the SNL alum in the rom-com Sandy Wexler. Set in the Pog-friendly era known as the ’90s, the film will see Sandler play a manager that encounters Hudson’s aspiring singer. It’d be kinda neat if the roles were reversed, but we suppose this makes more sense.

Frequent Sandler director Steven Brill has been tapped to helm the film, which is due to begin shooting next month with a 2017 Netflix landing date. If things go swimmingly, Sandler might be able to rekindle the musically intwined retro romantic comedy spark he had with 1998’s The Wedding Singer. If not? Well, the bar hasn’t exactly been set high by recent work like The Do-Over (a Steven Brill joint) and The Cobbler, so expectations should be relatively low. As long as Sandler doesn’t churn out something as racist as The Ridiculous Six it should be a minor victory. Mind you, The Ridiculous Six did incredibly well on Netflix, so who the hell knows. We just hope Sandler gets back into a good groove and considers leaving the vacations to when he’s actually on vacation.

(Via AV Club)