Joseph Gordon-Levitt Says Lady Gaga Is Great In ‘Sin City: A Dame to Kill For’

In other news, Lady Gaga is in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. Robert Rodriguez must have liked her work in his upcoming Machete Kills, in which she plays Lady Chameleón (pictured above), an assassin who disguises herself as Cuba Gooding Jr. while working for Mel Gibson. That was a perfectly normal sentence.

At least one person besides Rodriguez thought casting Lady Gaga in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For was a good move. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who is playing Johnny in the movie, spoke about a scene he filmed with her.

“She’s a great actress. And I didn’t know that. You know she came in and I was like, ‘Okay, sure, they’re having a huge pop star do a scene in the movie, I understand,’ but then she came in and like, nailed it! She had her character down, and she was like a total pro and did a great job. I was really impressed.” [JAMN 94.5 via Screenrant]

We don’t know which character she’s playing. Probably a librarian or a quilting bee enthusiast. Just kidding. It’s Sin City. She’ll probably be playing a prostitute. And it’ll probably end up being some blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo. This almost seems not worth covering. Hmmm, what could make this story more interesting? How about a couple of cats riding on a swiffer?

Much better.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For opens August 22nd, 2014.

(Banner image from Machete Kills courtesy Quick Draw Productions via The Playlist.)