15 biggest box office bombs of 2013

Believe it or not, selecting the 15 biggest box office bombs of 2013 is not an exact science. Studios withhold precise budgetary figures and marketing costs, and even a film that crashes and burns in its initial U.S. release can play like gangbusters overseas or in the ancillary market. A movie’s full cost is much more than just its production budget, as most big summer blockbusters (or would-be blockbusters) spend anywhere between $50 million and $100 million on marketing. Plus, keep in mind that studios only keep roughly half of a film’s box office take. Other avenues (DVD, streaming, OnDemand, traditional TV sales) help make up the difference, but they aren’t what they were a year ago, let alone ten years ago. With all that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of fifteen films from 2013 which can only be classified as box office bombs. 

Check out the list here: