Facebook Removed C.J. McCollum’s ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ Video For ‘Seductive Or Implied Sexual Acts’

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C.J. McCollum tried to be a supportive teammate on Thursday in a good-natured attempt to stir up All-Star Game votes for Damian Lillard. Unfortunately, nothing good is allowed to exist on social media except for this tweet by CeeLo Green, so Facebook apparently made the decision to take it down.

According to Casey Holdahl of Trailblazers.com, Facebook thought the video of McCollum — in which he does the dance from Napoleon Dynamite with the hopes of getting Lillard to Charlotte next month — violated its terms of use for being inappropriate.

If you missed the video, you can watch it here. It includes Lillard doing some silly stuff before McCollum gets down. I do not think this is guilty of “performing seductive or implied sexual acts,” but I am also an idiot, so who knows.

At the very least, McCollum has a sense of humor about the whole thing, as he took to Twitter following the news of his video being too provocative hitting the internet.

Facebook comes under fire with some frequency, whether it’s because of data breaches or because of the role that it played in impacting the 2016 presidential election. However, we can all sleep soundly knowing that it is making it a point to crack down on NBA players doing dances from movies that came out in 2004.