‘Neon Joe: Werewolf Hunter’ Is On Our Doorstep For A Limited Adult Swim Engagement

Who was in Pinata Full of Bees, the greatest Second City show ever? Jon Glaser. Who created some of the most important characters in Late Night with Conan O’Brien history — nay, in all of television history? Jon Glaser. Who created and starred in his own Adult Swim show, teaching us the true, unadulterated joys of a potato skin bar? Jon effin’ Glaser.

And when the team behind Delocated makes a new project for Adult Swim that’s running in its entirety Monday through Friday this week, you listen. Yes, Neon Joe: Werewolf Hunter is here. Well, depending on when you read this, it’s still coming … or it’s already here. Check Adult Swim for temporal confirmation.

Neon Joe: Werewolf Hunter is the special brand of weirdness that only Glaser can deliver while working hand in hand with PFFR, the production company that gave us Wonder Showzen, Xavier: Renegade Angel, and Delocated (which will never be mentioned without being a hyperlink to awesomeness).

If you need any other reason to watch, Scott Adsit is playing a guy named Sunny Cocoa. Still don’t care? Then you don’t deserve to experience what this show has in store for us. Which is probably a lot of neon and werewolves.

Of course, you can watch the first episode glowing in a moon if you can’t wait.