Enjoy This Brief GIF Tribute To Drunk Leslie Knope

Thanks to Ben Wyatt + Calzones and Councilman Howser I’m becoming convinced the reason Parks and Recreation develops their wonderful running gags (outside of excellent comedy) is because they make for the most perfect GIF sets on Tumblr. And wouldn’t you know prior to an all-new Parks tonight I stumbled upon a tribute to drunk Leslie Knope that just sped up the clock on Thursday happy hour.

It’s well documented that there’s a lot of drinking in Pawnee, but any show can incorporate booze, what Parks excels at is depicting the weird realness that evolves from social drinking. Everyone reacts differently. People say incoherent sh*t. Accents are often involved. And no one does this better than Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope…

If that just whets your appetite I suggest spending the next twenty minutes of your day here.

Banner via. GIFs by Stupid F*cking Questions