Floyd Mayweather Jr. Was Freddy Krueger For Halloween, Partied With Lindsay Lohan

On the right, we have actress Lindsay Lohan — only weeks from the cultural touchstone that is the release of the unrated director’s cut blu-ray of The Canyons — dressed as Carrie from the film Carrie. To her left, boxing champion Floyd Mayweather Jr. as beloved, wise-crackin’ child murderer Freddy Krueger. They hung out with each other at a Halloween party at MGM Foxwoods on Thursday night, and there’s a joke about how Floyd Mayweather treats women in here somewhere.

Mayweather loves putting random celebrities into his entourage, so if he shows up to his next fight with the protagonist of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen driving his armored truck full of money, you heard it here first.

Here’s the full tweet, wherein Money Mayweather officially christens this the most fetch Halloween party ever.

And the full picture, in case you wanted a closer look at that bloody head prop.

Next year Lindsay Lohan should go as classic Lindsay Lohan, then never take off the costume.

[h/t to GamedayR]