Earworm Alert! Iggy Azalea’s ‘Fancy’ Mashed Up With Reba McEntire ‘Fancy’

Ever since Iggy Azalea burst onto the pop music scene this summer with her hit 'Fancy,' it's electro-pop beat has wormed its way into our collective minds on loop.

But a select few of us, heard something else under those sassy words. The faint strains of an 90s ballad about woman who was pushed into prostitution by her mother and parlayed that questionable parenting decision into a a successful career. On its face, Reba McEntire's classic song has little in common with Azalea's ode to the glamorous life of the fast lane. But both songs touch on women getting what they want and to hell with haters.

And when the two are remixed together, magic happens.

Via The A.V. Club