An Ohio Man Slammed A Teenager’s Head In The Refrigerator Door Because ‘He Ate All Of The Sausages’

A man from Canton, Ohio, 35-year-old Robert J. Jones, is probably going to be spending his holidays in jail after he was arrested last week on charges of felony domestic violence and child endangerment, for slamming a teenage relative’s head in the door for “eating all of the sausages.” Merry Christmas, everybody!

The CantonRep reports:

The boy’s mother had called 911 at 8:34 p.m. Tuesday, telling arriving police that she walked into the kitchen and saw her husband with his arm around the boy’s neck, said Lt. James Cole of the Canton Police Department. She told the officers that after she broke up the scuffle, Jones continued to yell at the boy “for eating all the sausages,” Cole said.

The woman told police that Jones then slammed the refrigerator door, knocking out some of the food. When the boy went to clean it up, he slammed the boy’s head into the refrigerator door and then fled as she called police, Cole said the officers were told.

I don’t want to sound callous or anything but I feel like an important detail that the news report is leaving out is what kind of sausages they were. Whether or not they were some kind of hand-crafted smoked pork sausages or just your run of the mill Jimmy Dean bullcrap seems like it could be evidence used to determine Jones’s mental state at the time. You clearly don’t get between a man and his sausage.


(CantonRep via Reddit)