Last week, Chris Pratt weighed in on the downsides of weighing 300 pounds during the filming of Parks and Recreation, saying the extra pounds made him “impotent, fatigued, emotionally depressed.” Now he’s corrected himself while speaking to Access Hollywood:
“I’m not sure I knew what ‘impotent’ meant when I said it. I had a lower sex drive, to be honest with you. Everything about my spirit was dull. I didn’t feel great, and I think people will relate to that.”
If only there had been a camera in the room when someone showed him the Men’s Health UK interview with the quote “I was impotent” and explained to him what the word actually means.
He went on to offer additional sex-related encouragement for those looking for a reason to lose weight:
“You can, with hard work and dedication and just sticking to it, you can actually make a big change. And it will affect you, not just physically, not just the way you look, but how you feel and how your spirit feels and how your penis feels — especially the penis part!”
So, for those keeping track at home, the only dick Chris Pratt needs assistance with is a dictionary.
(Via Pedestrian and Us Magazine)