Ten Minutes Of ‘Bombshell’ Footage Makes It Look Like ‘Diablo’ With Guns

Bombshell, you might remember, is what 3D Realms is gambling on to turn it back into a viable studio, instead of one that gets sued by its former employees over Duke Nukem. And this footage is… well, it’s a video game!

You might remember that this was originally going to star Duke Nukem before, well, see above about lawsuits. It’s not that this looks bad, although we hope that is just temp voice acting. Phil the HR temp is not a credible voice actor, Interceptor. Also, I could have done without the Zelda joke.

Still, the game itself looks pretty much like, well, a standard twin-stick shooter. You run around, you shoot goopy aliens, you… no, wait, mercifully it appears we have been spared the one-liners. It looks solid enough, and you’ve got plenty of aliens. But this once again makes me wonder if anybody at 3D Realms has left the building since 1992.

(via VG 24/7)