Creepy Woody Is Back, No Action Figure Is Safe

About a year or so ago, Japanese action figure company Kaiyodo put out a Revoltech version of their Woody figure. It was pretty standard for a high end figure: highly poseable, the face had adjustable eyes, and so on.

There was one problem. As you can see above, the sculpt was… off. Something was wrong about it. Really, really wrong.

Creepy Woody had slouched to the factory to be born.

Once Pixar and Kaiyodo realized exactly why people were buying this figure and what they were using it for, it disappeared off the market for some reason. But apparently a huge new stock of the figures has been found, so Creepy Woody has temporarily returned. God help us all.

On the following pages, a few of his hijinks courtesy of Tumblr. Fair warning that some of these are not safe for work. Still others will require industrial quantities of brain bleach.