Conan Looks Back On Aaron Paul’s Weird Juicy Fruit Ad From His Early Acting Days

Aaron Paul will forever be remembered as his Breaking Bad character Jesse Pinkman, the foul-mouthed meth dealer with a heart of gold, but he’s been in a plethora of TV shows, movies and back when he was just starting out – commercials.

Every actor needs their first big break, and Paul revealed to Conan that a weird Juicy Fruit commercial that featured him losing his pants due to the power of Juicy Fruit (or psychic powers induced by Juicy Fruit) was his first well-paying gig. Rather than discuss the vast number of projects Paul has on the horizon (Triple 9, Central Intelligence, The 9th Life of Louis Drax, Come and find me or freaking Final Fantasy XV), they focus on what Conan considers to be an “oddly sexual” commercial.

One persons’s “oddly sexual” is another person’s cost of doing business when it comes to nabbing a piece of delicious Juicy Fruit using only the power of their mind. Still, it’s a fun look at the BoJack Horseman executive producer and voice actor’s early days.

Now try not to think about why Conan found this commercial so sexual. Once you dive down that rabbit hole, you may never be able to emerge.

(Via Team Coco)