This Teen Sobbing In His Mugshot Is Crying Big Salty Crocodile Tears After Being Arrested For Attempted Rape

The Wisconsin man pictured in the above mugshot, 19-year-old Anthony J. Zingale, is very sad. And he should be! He faces up to 40 years on first-degree sexual-assault charges, stemming from an incident at a Plymouth party last month. On May 28 around 10:45 p.m., an anonymous man called police claiming that Zingale had attempted to rape his wife at said party, which was also apparently being attended by Zingale’s mother.

The woman claims that on the night in question, she was using the bathroom when Zingale burst in, holding a knife and exposed from the waist down. Things only got worse from there:

She said he pressed the knife to her neck and said he would cut her if she didn’t have sex with him. The woman told officers she was able to coax Zingale out of the bathroom by saying they should go to the bedroom, and then screamed for help, at which point others at the party came into the home.

Not surprisingly, Zingale — who allegedly admitted being intoxicated at the time — told a different story, which makes it sound like it was all just a big mix-up straight out of a sitcom like Curb Your Enthusiasm or what have you.

In his version of the story, Zingale told officers he had to go to the bathroom badly, but was embarrassed because a girl was also in the bathroom. He said when he dropped his pants, the woman in the bathroom grabbed for a knife that he had brought into the restroom.

In addition to the sexual-assault charges, Zingale was also charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Having heard both sides, I think there’s only one takeaway here:

(Sheboygan Press via Daily Mail)