Listen: CulturePop Podcast No. 3 – Elton John, Jack the Giant Slayer and goats

It’s time for CulturePop #3, and here’s the rundown:

:50 Will being happy ruin Adele’s music?

2:10 Anne Hathaway’s awful Prada dress — did she need to apologize for it?

5:25 The fake Star magazine cover we love. See it here to understand what we’re talking about.

8:05 Melinda got to hang out with Elton John and hear his new album and she tells us all about it.

10:10 Melinda tells us about the time Elton John called her.

11:40 Why we hated “Jack the Giant Slayer.”

13:35 Plus, why I love Ian McShane, even when he’s in a bad movie.

14:30 Melinda tells us about her new favorite album — the latest from the Mavericks

16:45 We love goats! 

We had a lot of fun, and we hope you will, too. And if you DO manage to create a sound edit of us as goats, we will definitely include part of it in next week’s podcast.