Kristian Nairns swears Hodor is gone for good on ‘Game of Thrones’

Out of all the twists Game of Thrones fans anticipated in Season 6, the fate of Hodor wasn”t one of them. For some, the knowledge of what ‘Hodor” meant was a mystery they”d been waiting 20 years to uncover. But with the Night King”s brutal attack on Bran Stark and his companions wiping out half the team, fans weren”t ready to say good-bye.

“Will Hodor return?” is the new “Is Jon Snow really dead?” But let”s be honest. Jon Snow”s return to the living was one of the worst kept secrets ever. But the return of Lord Snow (along with Zombie Mountain and Beric Dondarrion) has blurred the lines between life and death. So much so that fan theories are popping up that Hodor could return as an undead wight. Perhaps to fight Bran or perhaps for Bran to realize he can warg into the undead minions of the Night King.

I was on hand at San Diego Comic-Con to ask Kristian Nairns – the actor who plays Hodor – what the probability is that he”ll return. The prospects? Pretty grim.