You Can Finally Watch The Trailer For The Hulk Hogan Vs. Gawker Documentary

Hulk Hogan put Gawker out of business. Have you seen this? Have you heard about this? Well, if you haven’t, you can see and hear about all of it on Friday, June 23, when the full, feature-length documentary about the Hulk Hogan vs. Gawker trail comes to Netflix. Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press is being released on the same day that GLOW drops, which is for sure a coincidence, right? Definitely a coincidence. By the way, if you haven’t read our GLOW interviews, feel free to do that.

Anyway! The full Netflix trailer for the documentary is now here, and you can watch it above. As this trailer makes clear, this movie is about far, far more than Hulk Hogan vs. Gawker, and is wide-reaching look about the current state of journalism, privacy, and everything else that came into question during this whole sordid affair.

It definitely looks like it’s going to be a fascinating film, but we knew that already. Another thing we knew already: what Nick Denton and Gawker are going to do when the 24-inch pythons come for him. (Go bankrupt. JUST LIKE ANDRE DID AT THE SILVERDOME, BROTHER. SUPERDOME. NO, WAIT, SILVERDOME WAS RIGHT. SAY YOUR PRAYERS AND EAT YOUR VITAMINS.)