‘Westworld’ Is Not In The Best Shape In The Season Two Trailer From Comic-Con

WARNING: Obvious spoilers for Westworld season one ahead.

Westworld follows up its big haul of Emmy nominations with an appearance on the big stage at Comic-Con, giving us our first glimpse at the aftermath of the first season finale. Not everybody bit the big one at the hands of our killer robots, but it doesn’t seem like they’re going to be making it too far in the true wilds of this artificial western.

The trailer gives us some updates on a few of the main players from season one and shows us the aftermath of the massacre that closed us out. Anthony Hopkins is nowhere to be seen, but Jeffrey Wright’s Bernard Lowe/Arnold is around surveying the land and teaming back up with the security forces at the park. If anything, the park has become a harsh place for the living and the artificial. Dolores and Teddy are basically a murderous couple now, riding across the land, chasing after people still dressed in their elegant party clothes and gunning them down. She’s definitely become Wyatt at this point.

We also catch up with William/The Man In Black in a bloodied state, but still smiling over what has happened to his beloved park. He finally seems to have found what he spent so much time searching for and seems ready to soak it up by sliding on his black hat and preparing to head back out. Meanwhile, Thandie Newton’s Maeve is making her way through the park’s inner workings where everybody has been slaughtered except for Lee Sizemore, the annoying British storyline author. My guess is that his trip to the empty cold storage saved his life in the finale and he’s now partnered with Maeve in her search for her daughter.

No sign of Shannon Woodward’s Elsie in the trailer, so she very well may be dead at this point despite the hints that she survived her misadventure in the park. It’s just one of those secrets that we’ll have to wait to discover once the show does return.

(Via HBO)