Allison Mack Apparently Tried To Recruit Emma Watson On Twitter For Her Alleged Sex Cult

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Following last Friday’s news that Smallville actress Allison Mack had been arrested for allegedly recruiting young woman for an abusive sex cult, many reporters and bloggers began to doggedly comb through her social media for clues. They didn’t have to search for long, for as Page Six, People magazine, and other outlets began to realize, it looked an awful lot like Mack had been trying to reach out to various female celebrities on Twitter. And chief among her apparent targets was Harry Potter star Emma Watson, whose involvement in various women’s movements made her a prime target.

According to People, Mack first attempted to contact Watson on January 24th, 2016, tagging her in a tweet and saying, “I’m a fellow actress like yourself & involved in an amazing women’s movement I think you’d dig. I’d love to chat if you’re open.”

Watson, who has since changed her Twitter handle from @EmWatson to @EmmaWatson, never responded. Yet that didn’t faze Mack, who never mentioned the alleged cult NXIVM or its founder, Keith Raniere, by name. She tried tweeting at Watson again in February.

And a third time in March.

Even so, it appears Watson never responded to Mack publicly. Nor did singer Kelly Clarkson, whom Mack also tweeted at back in 2013 in an apparent attempt to recruit her.

Both Mack and Raniere were charged with sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and forced labor conspiracy. If convicted, they could face a minimum of 15 years in prison.

(Via People and Page Six)