Raw Unveiled Women’s Tag Belts And Announced When The Champions Will Be Crowned


Much as the arrival of Women’s Tag Team Championships in WWE was first announced randomly by a Vince McMahon Santa Claus on the barely-watched Christmas edition of Raw, more about those belts was finally revealed toward the end of tonight’s Raw, as a prelude to a segment that was mostly about Paul Heyman and a very random appearance by Heavy Machinery.

At the top of her “Moment of Bliss” talk show segment, Alexa Bliss unveiled the new belts, which are white and gold with some silver and what looks like blue or prismatic detailing. They don’t look at all like any other belts in WWE, which is refreshing in this era of copycat belts in multiple colors.

Alexa explained that on February 17, at the Elimination Chamber PPV, three teams from Raw and three teams from Smackdown will compete inside the chamber to crown the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. We still don’t know exactly how the belts will float between brands, but we have a time table now for their debut, and we know what they look like, and all of that is pretty exciting.