Warner Bros. Drops $25 Million to Remember The Wizard of Oz + The Morning Links

Remember The Wizard of Oz? Chances are you absolutely do, because it’s a huge cultural artifact and a pretty solid choice for when you’re home sick from school, eight years old, and probably unattended while me and your mom get real sloppy in my jacuzzi. Chances are there aren’t a lot of people shuffling around thinking, ” Hey you know what I’ve been meaning to watch?! The Wizard of Oz! I heard it was pretty good.” You don’t need reminding of the movie because you can’t forget the movie because it isn’t even a movie really, it’s just this timeless thing like the pledge of allegiance or grilled cheese or cars. It’s in our national DNA. Nonetheless, according to The Hollywood Reporter:

Warner Bros. has announced a $25 million promotional campaign for The Wizard of Oz, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary. The campaign will include a new McDonald’s Happy Meal collection, the IMAX rerelease, and home entertainment and consumer products.

There are so many other things $25 million can do. For instance, I have student loans and my photoshops are priceless, so that’s an easy seven or eight million right there. Also, I read a lot of articles about Miley Cyrus twerking, which is about three to four million in specialized labor costs. My taste for exotic peanut butters is obviously expensive, I owe Segway Los Angeles several thousand in rental fees, I’m STILL donating to Haiti, and then there’s gas money. But I get it, WB, you guys can’t let the American people forget about the most watched film of all time.

The Morning Links

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