UPROXX ‘Archer’ Open Thread: ‘Drift Problem’ With Producer Casey Willis

Off the heels of our delightful conversation with Executive Producer Matt Thompson last week, today we welcome Producer Casey Willis (this guy) to the party for tonight’s episode, “Drift Problem,” which guest stars the one and only George Takei.

Casey is a long-time colleague of Matt and Adam (Reed), the show’s creator. He was an illustrator on Sealab 2021 and Frisky Dingo, and voiced several characters on Dingo — most notably the hobbit LARPer. He was also a writer on the short-lived Xtacles. Most importantly though, Casey wrote and performed the lyrics to Archer’s ringtone, Mulatto Butts!

Get your questions in for Casey early and often and he’ll get to everything he can.

Pre-show talking points…

  • Dr. Birthday Boy! Spy Car! George Takei!
  • Fingers crossed for running Fast and Furious jokes.
  • Fingers crossed for running Asian gang jokes.
  • Undercover race crew is never not a good time.
  • MOAR “Mulatto Butts” backstory PLZ.
  • The shocking truth behind the disappearance of a bicycle Sterling received for his eighth birthday will be revealed…

Open thread is now, um, open. Live blog with Casey Willis starts promptly at 10PM EST, but he may drop in beforehand. Everyone is encouraged to keep chatting and GIF-ing through the wee hours of the night. I’ll put a cap on things in the AM.

Follow us @KDMaske, @TheCajunBoy, and @UPROXX for reminders. Images via FX.

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