This Free Ticket Deal Might Be The University Of Michigan Football’s Nadir

Michigan Daily’s co-managing sports editor Alejandro Zúñiga posted a photo on Twitter of what might be the University of Michigan Football’s (current) 2014 nadir: a deal at the Michigan student union gives away two Wolverine football tickets for this weekend’s game with Minnesota with the purchase of two Coke products.

While that seems ludicrous, SB Nation has some tweets from fans that seem to verify the two-sodas-for-two-tickets deal. It also isn’t far-fetched to assume this deal could be real (at the very least plausible) considering Michigan AD Dave Brandon runs the program as if it’s a Fortune 500 company and the team plays as if it’s an overmatched Division III program. This is synergy and “customer appreciation,” folks (in reality it’s probably a way to get people to the games since Michigan attendance has slumped lately).

But since it’s Michigan there’s delight to be had here.

Hail to the victors indeed.