‘Twin Peaks’ Will Return To TV In 2016 On Showtime

For the first time in his life, David Lynch wasn’t f*cking with us: Twin Peaks is coming back.

Twin Peaks is coming back to life with nine new episodes to air on Showtime in 2016

Sources say series creators David Lynch and Mark Frost are working away on the scripts, with Lynch planning to direct all nine episodes.

The episodes are expected to bow in early 2016, which would coincide with the 25th anniversary of the show’s demise after two seasons on ABC in 1990 and 1991. The new segs will be set in the present day and continue storylines established in the second season. Sources emphasize that the new episodes will not be a remake or a reboot but will reflect the passage of time since viewers last checked in with key characters. (Via)

Well, that’s some damn fine news. Damn fine. Agent Cooper 2016.

Via Variety