Ex-Navy SEAL Robert O’Neil: ‘Osama Bin Laden Died Like A P*ssy’

Ex-Navy SEAL operator Robert O’Neil will give a tell-all interview with Fox News next week about his alleged involvement in the Osama bin Laden mission, but he’s been talking to freelance journalist Alex Quade about what he did for well over a year.

Anderson Cooper had a chat with Quade last night about her previously unreleased interviews and played some short snippets, including the following quote about the moment Osama bin Laden died. From CNN:

“You can quote me on this bullsh*t… When I’m out speaking, I never mention the Bin Laden mission. But anytime anyone says, ‘You know, my brother died at Cantor Fitzgerald, or my mom, what, what, whatever,’ one thing I tell them is, ‘All right, Osama bin Laden died like a p*ssy. That’s all I’m telling you. Just so you know. He died afraid. And he knew we were there to kill him.”

Pretty serious stuff and it certainly makes up for CNN running a graphic saying Navy SEALs killed Obama yesterday. Given these details, I’m curious what will come out during the two-part Fox interview that starts on Tuesday. Check out the full CNN clip below.

(Via CNN / Mediaite)