Loki and Captain America Fight, High Five, and Ham It Up On The Avengers’ Set

Filming continues on the Cleveland set of The Avengers, now at the Public Square in Cleveland which is set up to look like Stuttgart, Germany. The videos below show a fight scene between Captain America and Loki being filmed after dark, not to be confused with “Captain America and Loki After Dark”, a very sexy documentary from our private collection.

Check after the jump for those set videos, plus a video of Loki hamming it up and another captioned photo to go with our photoshop collection.

[Hat tip and one shout of “wooooo” to joshw24 and debbiedowner. More videos available at those links.]

Here’s Tom Hiddleston shouting to fans after shooting wrapped for the night:

This is all I could think:

Here are a couple overhead shots of Loki and Captain America fighting. I want the guy talking in the second video to narrate everything I do:

Loki and Captain America high five at the end of this video, unfortunately after cameras stopped rolling instead of in a scene:

Damn right we have a .gif of it: