Sean Astin On That Long-Rumored ‘Goonies’ Sequel: ‘It’s Not A Question Of If, But Rather Of When’

Over a year ago, rumors began spreading regarding a possible sequel to ’80s classic Goonies. According to director Richard Donner, Steven Spielberg had concocted a new story for the project and then people started speculating on the possibility of the cast reuniting on-screen. That was April of last year, and a year later Sean Astin discussed the project with Larry King and things began sounding a bit uncertain.

Sean Astin, who played Mikey in the 1985 movie, spoke with — ahead of his scheduled appearance at Wizard World Tulsa — and once again spoke on the status of the long-gestating sequel:

“I have said and will always say, that it’s not a question of if, but rather of when the sequel gets made.”

“The precise makeup of it, I have no idea,” he said. “Whether I will be in it, no idea. Whether they would even want the original cast in it, no idea. But it doesn’t matter. It’s bigger – it’s actually bigger than everybody. It’s bigger than even Steven (Spielberg), who created it. It’s bigger than Richard Donner, who breathed such strong life into it. It’s now a part of American cultural lore, and the studio has a lot to gain from promoting it, so you can take it to the bank that people will get to enjoy it more.”

A Goonies sequel sounds like an exciting idea, but on paper it may be a whole other monster. Whatever issues are holding up the filmmakers, one thing should be clear and that is people actually want to see the original cast members back on the big-screen in some manner. Of course, the story would need to make sense and then there’s the issue of Corey Feldman returning as Clark “Mouth” Devereaux…because, uh, Corey Feldman.

A bigger concern, though, is the 30 years that have passed since the original film hit theaters. Don’t get me wrong, Goonies is a downright classic and still holds up after all this time. That said, does a sequel really make sense here? I guess it’s only a matter of time before we find out the answer.
