Colorado Lawmakers Are Trying To Ban Weed Edibles That Might Confuse Kids

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It’s Flinstones vitamins all over again, except way more chill. Colorado lawmakers are looking to ban weed edibles in shapes that might entice children to eat them. Fruit, animal, and people-shaped edibles are named in a new bill looking to ban certain shapes and keep children from accidentally ingesting marijuana. The bill is up for consideration in the Colorado House of Representatives and has the support of Gov. John Hickenlooper Jr.

Edibles producers aren’t taking the potential new restrictions lying down. The Colorado Cannibis Chamber of Commerce has come out against the bill and several producers have been vocal about their opposition.

“It really comes down to the adult, the parent, to keep it out of the hands of children, just like alcohol, just like cigarettes,” Cheeba Chews employee Dave Maggio told the Associated Press.

Other manufacturers say they agree with the intent of the law, but worry that it could be used to police vaguely food-shaped edibles. For example, a wedge-shaped edible could run afoul of the law for looking too much like an orange slice.

Colorado Department of Public Heath’s Chief Medical Officer Larry Wolk told House members that children are much more likely to eat edibles that resemble foods they’d regularly encounter.

The bill will have to pass the House and Senate before the legislative session ends in May.

(Via AP)