NBC Follows ABC’s Lead By Sacking 5 Shows In Their Own Cancellation Spree

Yesterday’s big messy cancellation bloodbath has apparently carried over to Friday with NBC giving five shows reason to believe Friday the 13th is as unlucky a day as advertised.

Entertainment Weekly reports that the Peacock Network has axed a healthy chunk of their programming roster. Granted, nothing in this spree show killing is as controversial as Nashville or Agent Carter getting the boot from ABC, but there are bound to be a few bummed out audiences in the mix. The Eva Longoria comedy Telenovela is DOA after 11 episodes, as is the “Hey! Ron Funches is in this” sitcom Undateable which managed to have a three season run. Freshman programs Heartbeat, Game of Silence, and Crowded have also been cancelled with their memories to live on in scary fan-fiction through eternity.

This mass dispatching might not be through just yet. EW notes that the critically-acclaimed sitcom The Carmichael Show and the not so critically-acclaimed procedural The Mysteries of Laura aren’t out of the woods and could also meet an unfavorable fate. We’ll keep you updated on the (possible) cancellation carnage as it develops and leaves a nasty stain on your DVR’s rug.

(via Entertainment Weekly)