A Kid Landed In The ER After Inhaling A Squeaky Dog Toy, And He’s Suffering The Most Obvious Side Effect

As with many things on the internet, this 20-second video of a boy named Anthony in a hospital bed in the emergency room raises many more questions than it provides answers. In what seems like something straight out of a cartoon (literally this exact same scenario has happened in a cartoon before, right?), Anthony found himself in this predicament because he apparently somehow inhaled or swallowed a squeaky dog toy, which you can tell because every time he tries to inhale, he becomes sort of a human squeaky dog toy. (Worst superpower ever?)

The video was just uploaded to YouTube this week, however the Lad Bible watermark tells me it might be older. Yet, a Google search turned up nothing. Whatever became of Anthony? Were they able to remove the squeaker from his orifice or did his mom end up just giving in and selling him to a traveling carnival? We may never know.

(Via Reddit)