Can A Windy City Craftsman Make Boots For ‘New Girl’ Actor Lamorne Morris… In Six Hours?

The Cronut. The Labradoodle. The spork. Some things just work better when you blend them together. That’s why, when George Vlagos of Chi-town boot-making outfit Oak Street Bootmakers set out to customize a pair of boots in six hours for an L.A.-based actor with virtually no need for them (Lamorne Morris from Fox’s New Girl), nobody really knew how it would go.

True, Morris is originally from Chicago, but wearing boots in his adopted home of L.A. — a town that’s perpetually 80 degrees with zero chance of rain — is an odd blend of sorts. Would Vlagos defy the odds and accomplish the fleet-footed feat of shoe cobbling? Or would Morris be sent to run barefoot through the streets of Chicago, shoeless, trying to hitch a ride from Schmidt?

“We have six hours to make this boot and we don’t make boots in six hours. It takes six weeks to make a pair of boots. The whole thing could go sideways,” confesses a highly concerned, yet down-for-the-challenge Vlagos.

But did it go sideways?

You’ll just have to watch to find out.