David Tennant Gives Spider-Man Some Unexpected Advice on His Skin-Tight Suit

Doctor Who's David Tennant played probably the evilest villain we've seen in a Marvel adaptation so far when he depicted Kilgrave on Jessica Jones. But Tennant couldn't be nicer, and recently he answered some burning fan questions like, “Out of the Avengers, who would cry the most watching The Fault in Our Stars?”

Ant-Man, was his answer. And even though he didn't put much thought into it, I think he's 100% right.

In a new “Ask Marvel” segment, the company pulled some fan questions for the actor straight from Twitter. Some were direct, like when he was asked what he likes most about Kilgrave, others were tangentially related like:

Question: What would Jessica Jones' attitude be around Rocket Racoon?

Answer: I think she'd object to the smell, I imagine. Unless of course she had a big night the night before in which case he might object to the smell.

And then there was the downright bizarre:

Question: How do you think Tony Stark pees inside his Iron Man suit.

Answer: It's an unexplored world, isn't it? Waste products for superheroes. Tony Stark probably has the easiest task because he could either…you could certainly have some kind of tubing inside that suit. Alternatively he may have some kind of drawbridge situation. What does Spider-Man do? That's a one-piece suit that's very tight. And you do not want any embarrassing wet patches on that. Shake it out, Spidey. Shake it out.

Check out the entire video for more Tennant fun, including his concern about the logistics of Spider-Man's suit.