If only ‘Big Brother 18’ was like this all season

Clip It: Each day, Jon Davis looks at the world of trailers, featurettes, and clips and puts it all in perspective.

This is the funniest bit that Big Brother has done all season. Nicole has had a dream, and she makes the mistake of telling four dudes who are bro-ing out in the hot tub about it. They instantly get excited about the prospect of a sex dream, which Nicole steadfastly denies. But Nicole keeps walking right into it as she lists the former houseguests who were in the dream. Why do these men – including Nicole's love interest this season, Corey – splash the water like happy toddlers at the mere possibility she is dreaming of Big Brother orgies? Because it might be the most interesting development of the summer for these reality show contestants, who have all forgotten they are there to entertain us. 

While Nicole whines into the uncaring sky, Zakiyah, an initially promising character who has increasingly melted into the Big Brother floor plan, gives this scene a half-hearted thumbs up. Let's hope this is the beginning of a turnaround this season. Otherwise we will have to wait till Big Brother 19, which is coming as soon as this fall!