Corey Feldman Is Mad At Vice Because It Made His Birthday Party Sound So Depressing

On Tuesday, Vice’s Jamie Lee Curtis Taete published a fantastic piece that took us inside aged child star and rock star (in his own mind) Corey Feldman’s 42nd birthday party at his “Feldmansion,” or large home to us ordinary people, with his “Corey’s Angels” all-female entourage by his side. Jamie had to promise Corey and his people that they could have final approval of the edit that would eventually be posted on the immensely popular website, and not only did Corey approve, but Jamie wrote that he even said it was a “great article!” That’s probably because Corey isn’t fluent in sarcasm.

That is, after all, what I assume Jamie’s entire article was drenched in, because the pictures that accompanied it just looked absolutely depressing, as if Corey had put together a menagerie of scantily-clad women all for his own entertainment, which is basically what strip clubs were created for. Needless to say, Corey is livid that people think his party sucked, and despite the fact that he approved Jamie’s article and photos, he’s accusing Vice of defamation of character and slander.

Good luck taking that to court, Corey.

I’ve been sort of fascinated with Corey’s recent reemergence into the D-list limelight, at least since I watched the video for his latest single, “Ascension Millenium.” And I can’t really tell if he’s trying to be a new version of the Charlie Sheen that we all got really sick of after a few months, or if he just wants to be a young Hugh Hefner without the publishing empire based on naked, young females, but either way he’s just really entertaining to watch, because he makes no sense.

I guess that’s exactly what’s on display with his little tirade against Vice, as he’s just completely unaware that people are laughing at him, while very few people – very, very, very few – actually admire his artificial swinging bachelor lifestyle. But I guess 303,847 views, ironic or not, will give a guy a false perception of reality.

(Banner via Corey Feldman)