Look Out, WWE, TNA Just Signed The Hottest Free Agent In Wrestling

Back in June, WWE released over a dozen employees including longtime interviewer/announcer Josh Mathews. You may remember him as a competitor on Tough Enough or his work sitting beside an enraged and disinterested Michael Cole on the early seasons of NXT. The hot spring of Josh Mathews news has been dry since then, but get your WE KNOW HOW THAT IS TAZ jokes ready, because guess who’s headed to the Impact Zone?

Earlier today, TNA’s website published, then deleted an article about Josh having clandestine meetings at their headquarters. Somewhere Don West is stuffing Jeremy Borash into a brown bag and mailing him to Abu Dhabi.

Here’s the now-deleted text:

“Today, Josh Mathews was spotted outside of TNA Wrestling Headquarters in Nashville, TN. Matthews would later enter a closed door meeting with TNA executives. No details on what was said, however IMPACTWrestling.com will keep you current when additional details are available.”

If we’ve learned nothing else from TNA, the additional details will be a tweet about a big announcement, rampant speculation about anything from a new TV deal to CM Punk showing up, and an awkward “hey everyone, I was the surprise” appearance from Mathews.

For more information on what to expect, watch this video and replace Brock Lesnar with Cowboy James Storm.

h/t to WZ