Brock Lesnar Isn’t Working Survivor Series OR TLC Because F*ck You, Who Cares

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar isn’t wrestling at this Sunday’s Hell in a Cell pay-per-view. Instead, John Cena’s wrestling Randy Orton for a shot at Lesnar’s title. In January.

According to The Observer — kings of the “plans changed” news report — WWE hasn’t currently booked the champ for November’s Survivor Series pay-per-view or December’s TLC, and are “in discussions with him” to appear on Raw to help build January’s Royal Rumble.

Having the champion as a special attraction for big shows is a good idea. You don’t have to have him at every show, defending against everybody, especially when your roster’s depleted and you only utilize about eight people at a time. We don’t need to see Lesnar vs. Cena four months in a row, followed by Lesnar vs. Orton for five. However, not having your champion on the show between September and JANUARY is ridiculous. Carnival ridiculous. Are WWE Network renewals so important that you can only schedule important events to happen at six-month intervals? Don’t people want to watch SOMETHING in months two through five?

The worst part is that January could be Lesnar vs. Cena again, meaning Lesnar will have held the championship from August until January and only had three matches, all of them against the same opponent. Maybe Daniel Bryan should’ve held on to the championship while he was sitting at home injured after all.