Bill Burr Jokes About Christianity And Escaping Zombies In This Teaser For His New Netflix Special

Not satisfied with his six-episode Netflix deal for F Is For Family, comedian Bill Burr’s new special arrives on the streaming service this Friday. Get ready for another hour of the internet’s second favorite angry redheaded comic ranting about everything from saving a kid from a sweatshop to Scientology.

Other advertised bits include the benefits of having a helicopter on standby during the zombie apocalypse, population control, being too hard on former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, and other gems of brilliance. Maybe he’ll provide a refresher on his pro-NFL diatribe against women.

Though probably not, since Burr has become one of the go-to comedians for simplistic “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” humor. I expect nothing else from a guy whose special was apparently filmed in black and white.

Source: YouTube