The Only Guy Who Can Run Your Underwear Up A Flagpole Without Removing Them

Zimbabwean-born rugby union player Tendai Mtawarira is nicknamed “Beast”, and if you need validation of that nickname please consult this clip of him hoisting Sharks teammate Anton Bresler into the air to make a catch, then holding him there by his shorts so he doesn’t fall over backwards. I believe Last Angry Fan described it best as a “clean-and-jerk using a grown man”. The moment comes to us from the Super Rugby League, which I’m going to assume is like regular rugby except everyone has Thor strength and magical powers.

Video of the incredible feat of strength is below, but know going in that he doesn’t hammerthrow Besler into anyone from that position. I think in pro wrestling terms he was setting up him for the Vertebreaker.


Here’s to hoping the Super Rugby guys don’t realize they’re the next step in human evolution and start going door to door to lift people over their heads like Kitty Carryall dolls to show their superiority. I, for one, welcome our Super Rugby overlords.

[h/t Reddit]