‘Half-Life 3’ Confirmed!… To Be The Best Game That Never Was In This Cheeky Honest Trailer.

Do you guys remember when President Obama announced Half-Life 3? Oh man, as great as that was, the game was even better, with its Oculus rift support (featuring the Chinese handjob robot), Daniel Day-Lewis nailing his performance as “The Crowbar,” and that unnecessary, but wholly welcomed Batman cameo!

Yes, the newest Honest Trailer from Screen Junkies and Smosh Games is an April Fools joke envisioning what a third installment of Half-Life might be like. They say it “didn’t just surpass our expectations, it took our expectations on a fancy dinner date and then proceeded to f*ck our expectations’ brains out!” We want to believe.

Previous honest game trailers:

Via Smosh Games