The Most Important Sports Story Of Our Lifetime: Teddy Won The Presidents Race

Teddy finally won the GEICO Racing Presidents race at Nationals Park. Previous to this, he was 0-525. I don’t know what to do with myself. I haven’t felt this way since Barack Obama won the Presidency.

I’m a diehard Cleveland Indians fan, but after their 0-81 second half and descent into jamming their fingers up each others’ asses madness, I’ve been forced to fall back on my favorite National League team, the Washington Nationals. I lived in Bethesda, Maryland, for a year and have spent many an afternoon sitting in an empty ballpark, watching Mets fans (or whoever) cheer as Nyjer Morgan throws hissy-fits and gives up inside-the-park homeruns. I’ve clapped along to THUNDERSTRUCK~ with 35 other sad people.

Despite their amazing season, my hopes for a deep playoffs run for the Nats have been light. The issues with Strasburg, the post-season inexperience of players like Bryce Harper … I just didn’t know if the Nationals could pull it off. Then, Teddy Roosevelt won the Presidents Race with the help of a phony Phillie Phanatic who lost his snout somewhere in the middle. Now … I don’t know. I feel like they could accomplish anything.

Video of Teddy’s glorious moment (and a training montage that helped build to it) is after the jump.

And for no reason other than to validate my Nats fandom, here’s a picture of me with Teddy.

Let’s hope those rumors of Teddy being retired and replaced with John F. Kennedy aren’t true.

[via Let Teddy Win]