Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Statham, & Ford blow things up in ‘Expendables 3’ trailer

There is something terribly inspiring about the whistling in “Bridge on the River Kwai.”  Perhaps that is why we have seen it used more than once throughout the years, including in the new trailer for “The Expendables 3” which was just released this morning.  That whistling is also one of the few relatively quiet moments in the trailer.

As you would expect, what we got today sets up the basics of the plot – Mel Gibson and Sly's characters were the ones who created the Expendables before they had a “falling out.”  It also, again as expected, offers things blowing up real good.  And yelling.  And gunfire.  And punching.  And kicking.  And a pretty solid motorcycle trick.

Should you be looking for more details on the plot, Gibson plays Conrad Stonebanks, an arms dealer Barney Ross (Stallone) thought he had killed.  Now, Stonebanks wants revenge. 

This third entry in the series again features a huge cast of well-known action heroes, both old and new to the franchise.   These include Antonio Banderas, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Wesley Snipes, Dolph Lundgren, Harrison Ford, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.  We probably wouldn't call him an action hero, but Kelsey Grammer is also a part of the cast.

Patrick Hughes is stepping into the director's position for “Expendables 3” (Sly himself directed the first and Simon West the second), and he definitely seems to have the formula down.   Watch the trailer above and tell us if it doesn't have everything you've come to want from these homages to action movies.

“The Expendables 3” explodes into theaters on August 15th.