The Makers of ‘Guacamelee!’ Have A New Dismemberment-Based Game Called ‘Severed’

Drinkbox Studios burst onto the scene last year with gorgeous brawler/Metroid tribute Guacamelee! and now they have a new project called Severed in the works that looks both familiar and totally different. Severed is another super stylish non-linear Metroid-esque adventure, but instead of taking enemies out using wrestling moves, you’ll use touch-screen controls to take them on in Punch-Out!! style first-person battles. Oh, and you can chop pieces off your opponents and wear them to make yourself stronger. Rad.

Check out a concept trailer below…

Severed will hit sometime in 2015. No platforms are announced yet, but it will likely come out on touchscreen equipped systems first (iPad, Vita, Wii U). Drinkbox has also said they may try to do a motion-controlled version of the game later.

via Destructoid