‘O’Reilly Factor’ Correspondent Jesse Watters Got Kicked From The N.O.W. Conference For Being An Idiot

If you’re not already aware, The O’Reilly Factor airs a Daily Show-esque segment called “Watters World,” in which they send correspondent Jesse Watters — who Gawker’s John Cook brilliantly ambushed a few years back — out to places to interview random people, hoping that they’ll make fools of themselves on camera. Only basically his entire schtick is making really assy remarks and then capturing the *blink blink blink* reactions of his subjects. It’s conservative satire at its best, let me tell you.

At any rate, Watters traveled to the National Organization for Women’s (N.O.W.) conference being held in Albuquerque this week, and it went just about as well you’d think it would — patronizingly opening the segment with Helen Reddy’s “I Am Woman,” and then posing loaded sexist questions and/or remarks to attendees.

Here are some of the actual things Jesse Watters said to women attending a N.O.W. conference:

  • “What are you gals trying to accomplish?”
  • “Have you ever burned your bra?”
  • “Are you married? No? Single and ready to mingle?”
  • “I’ve been working out, feel the muscle!”
  • “If you need protection, I can protect you, though.”
  • “What’s your favorite movie, G.I. Jane?”
  • “Do I get a weapon? For the war [on women]?”
  • “Have you ever been wounded in the war on women? Shrapnel?”

Oh, because get it? Fox News can only wrap their heads around ideological “wars” if they involve saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” It doesn’t really matter though, because Watters quickly gets ejected from the conference, and for whatever reason, they decide not to edit out him having to sign paperwork which states that he understands if he returns to the Hyatt (where the conference is taking place), he’ll be arrested.

Ha ha, these so-called “feminists” will actually threaten to have you arrested for showing up at their restricted conference without proper credentials and making light of their cause. Can you believe these gals? *edits in hilarious movie clip fart noise*

(Fox News via Gawker)