Meghan Trainor, Jimmy Fallon, And The Roots Are ‘All About That Bass’ With Classroom Instruments

Whenever Jimmy Fallon does his kid instruments deal with The Roots and some musical act, I always feel they turn out better than the original tune. Mariah Carey probably topped her Christmas classic with her appearance and Robin Thicke was not half as creepy as he is now when he appeared a while back to play along.

Meghan Trainor steps in to handle things this time around and I’m a bit lost. I had never heard her song before tonight, so I checked it out and now I’m torn. They’re both pretty catchy.

It’s not like I’m going to stop rolling Molly Hatchet 24/7 for this, but it didn’t make me cringe or hate myself for getting old. No introspective, liquor-fueled depression for me tonight. I’m now hip. Buy me some mustache wax and fixed gear bicycle.

(Via The Tonight Show)