Non-Profit Makes Three-Year-Old A Radical Prosthetic Iron Man Hand For Free

Bubba was born without most of his right hand. Prosthetic hands can be extremely expensive ($40,000 is a middle-ground number) so Bubba’s grandmother Rulan Waikiki was shocked when she discovered there was a non-profit group called E-Nable online who would make her grandson a new hand using a 3D printer for absolutely free.

“For years, patients spent up to $40,000 for a commercially made prosthetic hand, but thanks to 3-D printing technology, a mechanical body-powered hand costs only $50 to build.

‘As soon as he put it on and was able to close the hand, his face just lit up,’ Waikiki said.

Instead of reaching for a ball or a toy, Bubba held his own hand.”

Awww. But wait, it gets better! Not only did Bubba get a new hand, but he got a super rad, red and yellow number that Tony Stark wouldn’t look out of place using.

Get ready to be the most popular guy on the Kindergarten playground, Bubba.

Via Khon 2 News