Want To See 'The Simpsons: The Longest Daycare'? You'll Have To Pay For 'Ice Age 4'

Back in May, 20th Century Fox announced after the season finale of The Simpsons that Maggie would be appearing in her very own short film, The Simpsons: The Longest Daycare. With a running time of 4:30, this mini-adventure finds Maggie at the Ayn Rand School For Tots, bored out of her little genius mind. That’s about all we knew about the film until a brand new trailer for Daycare was released this week, and now we know so much more. Namely, that the marketing team is clever.

In what they’re dubbing “this summer’s shortest trailer”, the 5-second clip (after the jump) tells us that Maggie will once again feud with that other baby, Gerald, who looks like Anthony Davis. You know, this one…

What I didn’t know, as I haven’t watched an episode of The Simpsons in a few years, *flips scarf*, is that Daycare will only be available to people who go to see Ice Age: Continental Drift. Honestly, that’s kind of lame, because a lot of Simpsons loyalists don’t want to see Ice Age 4, and there won’t be any other way imaginable to see this animated short. None. *whistles, winks at the Internet*