Alberto Del Rio And WWE Reached A Suspiciously Timed Settlement For That Whole Racist Firing Thing

Back in August, former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio was suddenly released for, according to WWE, “unprofessional conduct and an altercation with an employee.” That altercation turned out to be ADR slapping the shit out of a social media manager who made a racist joke about how Del Rio should be washing everyone’s dishes because he’s Mexican. A string of accusations of high level corporate racism followed, with everyone from Konnan to Ricardo Rodriguez and the original Sin Cara chiming in with stories. The social media manager who made the joke quietly left the company in October — two months after Del Rio’s firing — and it looked like the awkward aftermath would be Del Rio working lucha promotions and WWE holding another 40-man Royal Rumble to say someone else won the “biggest Rumble in history.”

A few days ago, Del Rio said in an interview that WWE’s racial insensitivity starts at the top with Triple H. Now, suddenly, WWE and Del Rio have reached an agreement. You know, pending neither disparages the other going forward. THESE THINGS ARE PROBABLY NOT CONNECTED, PLEASE LOOK AWAY.

So this means Triple H is never showing up at Dario Cueto’s temple, huh?