Marvel’s Rumored Luke Cage Casting Sure Looks The Part

Meet Mike Colter. You might know him from The Following, or perhaps Halo: Nightfall. But rumor has it that soon, you’ll know him better as Luke Cage.

The rumor comes courtesy of Deadline, discussing Krysten Ritter’s casting as Jessica Jones. Buried in the article is this interesting little nugget:

Ritter was one of five actresses who tested for the role. I hear it came down to her and Teresa Palmer, with both doing chemistry reads with The Following‘s Mike Colter, believed to be the choice for male lead Luke Cage.

Colter is actually a fairly logical choice. First of all, as you can see, the guy can cosplay Cage just by throwing on a black T-shirt. Secondly, Colter has had a lengthy TV career, starting with ER more than a decade ago and holding down several recurring roles in TV shows. OK, so some of them are shows like Ringer, but the point is, he knows his way around a television shoot.

This isn’t official, of course, but it looks like excellent casting. That said, we may not know for a while; both Jessica Jones and Luke Cage have yet to start shooting, and probably won’t arrive on Netflix until 2016. Plenty of time to give him a cameo in Ant-Man or something, Marvel.